Monday, November 30, 2009

Exercise 2, Chapter 16 story

Hannah Schott
Nov. 30, 2009
Exercise 2, Chapter 16

The transcript of a 911 call from a woman requesting help for a boy who her daughter and niece had seen naked on a street corner was released today by the Milwaukee police. The woman, Glenda Cleveland, 37, made the call on May 27 at 2 a.m.
The two police officers who responded to the call left the boy, 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone, with Jeffry L. Dahmer, a 31-year-old man the officers believed Sinthasomphone was living with. Dahmer killed Sinthasomphone after the officers left.
The two police officers, who were not identified, were suspended with pay last week. A lawyer representing the officers said they had seen no evidence indicating that anything was wrong.
Cleveland said in the 911 call that Sinthasomphone was naked, beaten and bruised and was unable to stand up or see straight.
When the officers arrived at the scene, they believed Sinthasomphone was intoxicated.
“The fact is a crime was being committed,” Cleveland said in a follow-up call to the police department. According to Cleveland, the situation indicated that a child was “being raped and molested by an adult.”
The officer who took Cleveland’s call assured her that Sinthasomphone was an adult, not a child, and told Cleveland that he was positive the situation had been taken care of.
Police officers two months later found 11 mutilated bodies in Dahmer’s Milwaukee, Wis., apartment and arrested Dahmer. Dahmer confessed to killing a total of 17 people and pleaded that he was insane.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your lead paragraph...a lot! It is so different and unique from mine and the rest of the stories I've read. You did a great job rearranging the information in a really organized and easy-to-read way, instead of copying how it was organized in the exercise. Very creative- I love it!
