Monday, September 21, 2009

Alzheimer's Toll Rises

The number of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease is rising, a new study reveals today. Alzheimer's disease now afflicts more than 35 million people worldwide, a number that will double in the next 20 years. Researchers report age, obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes as the leading causes of Alzheimer's disease.
Source: Alzheimer's Toll Rises by Lauran Neergaard, Associated Press
Star Tribune print edition, September 21, 2009


  1. Wow, those are some scary statistics. Alzheimer's is a scary thing, hopefully now that some leading causes are reported people could start to avoid it.

  2. Hi Hannah--
    The outlook for Alzheimer's is pretty gloomy if they feel the 35 million affected will double in the next 20 years.
    I am glad that researchers have linked age, obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes to Alzheimer's disease. Still, it's hard to believe that the medical profession has not discovered a cure or found out more.
    true grimes

  3. This is certainly an interesting subject. It sucks though that they really don't have a clue to what causes it.

  4. My grandmother unfortunately had Alzheimer’s and just died from it this year. I hope it doesn't rise too much because that puts me at risk!

  5. I work in a nursing home and I can see that there has been a rise in the Alzheimer's unit. This is very sad, though. I didn't know about the obesity and high cholesterol thing though; interesting.

  6. That is so sad that Alzheimer's is rising. My Grandma suffers from it. Your article informed me on some scary stats.

  7. Grade: 10/10
    Note: It should be revealed today, rather than reveals.
